Orange Chicken

This is my favorite orange chicken recipe. Remem­ber to make the rice too.

Orange Sauce

1 1/2 cup water

2–4 table­spoons orange juice con­cen­trate (Depend­ing upon how strong you want your sauce. I like it strong.)

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 1/2 table­spoons soy sauce

1 — 2 table­spoons orange zest (Did I men­tion that I like it strong?) :)

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 tea­spoon minced gin­ger root (Inevitably I dou­ble all the spices. Can’t help myself)

1/2 tea­spoon minced garlic

2 table­spoons dehy­drated onions.

3 table­spoons cornstarch

2 table­spoons water

In large saucepan com­bine ingre­di­ents and whisk well, mak­ing sure the corn­starch has been incor­po­rated into the liq­uid. Whisk­ing fre­quently, bring to boil over medium high heat. Mix­ture should thicken. Set aside or sim­mer on extra low until chicken is done. Reheat if necessary.

The Chicken

2 lbs bone­less skin­less chicken breast cut into bite-sized cubes

1 1/2 cup flour

1 beaten egg

1/4 tea­spoon salt (Or omit. There is a lot of SALT in the soy sauce)

1/4 — 1/2 tea­spoon pep­per (Depend­ing upon your per­sonal taste. I like a lot)

Com­bine flour, salt, and pep­per in large ziplock bag or large bowl. Coat chicken with beaten egg. Place in ziplock back and shake/coat the chicken in the flour mix­ture. Cover the bot­tom of fry­ing pan with olive oil. Fry sin­gle lay­ers at a time until all the chicken has been cooked. If the chicken sticks, pour a lit­tle more olive oil into the pan.

Pour sauce over cooked breaded chicken. Serve over cooked rice. Gar­nish with chopped green onions and an orange wedge if desired. Serve imme­di­ately. Yum!